The life of Gwenhyfara, otherwise known as Patricia.
Well. I guess theres not much to say about me. I was born in Monterey, California in 1983.(Yes I know...I seem much older than that) Some people may read my pages and think "This is one conceited little girl." Well, I'm really not. I'm "confident". And I dont act like this...It just comes out when I'm writing. Also, to help you get a better idea of my personality, I'm going to write a few things out here that may paint a portrait of my personality. My dad was in the army so we moved around alot. After he got out though, we moved to Sacramento, Ca. I hated it. Until we moved here. To Cincinnati,Oh. I thought Sac. was bad but, lemme tell you kiddies, I was wrong. Anyway, I love to read. When I was younger, my teachers used to take my books away cuz I wasnt paying attention. Now I've found ways so they dont notice. Ha..haha. I dont like to cry, cuz I look like crap when I do. But, sometimes I just cant control myself. For instance..I cried, and I mean CRIED, when Neflite died. Ah, I can hear some of you laughing already. But if you've actually seen it, I think you might have shed a few tears yourself. I get angry very easily. Cant think of any examples right now. Also, I am forever getting headaches. Why? some of you might ask. Well, I hit my head as a child. Many people say things like that as a joke, but its not funny and I'm serious!! Stop laughing dammit."Haha she's screwed up in the head". Well let me tell you, buster...about mia familia. I have 1 mummy, 1 pop, and 2 of their other spawn, female type. Yes, I love them. And I look up to them...becuz theyre taller. And now my appearance. I'm 6'7, red hair, green eyes, have freckles up the wazoo and 6 fingers on my right hand. Ha...haha. Now seriously. Arent my sisters tall??? Ha...haha. I'm really 5'0, have dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, olive skin. No freckles. And if any of you out there are laughing, this one isnt a joke. Poor little 5'0 girl..."how old are you? would you like a sucker?" No..dont think so. I'm not athletic in the least, I like to sing and spend far too much time online. I listen to a wide variety of music although mostly Alternative. I also love the Anime music stuff.  I really cant think of anything more to say, so just take the little link back to my page.Oh ,and I put this picture up for no good reason except that I like it. It's cute!
ByeBye Everyone!
Isnt it just so cute??
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