The e-pit-o-me of a warrior with all the brains of a stump( stump also
known as a girl in my school named Amber Altman ) One day he "saved"
Lina from a pack of bandits in the woods thinking she was some beautiful
chick in need of help. Mistaking her for a child (shes that short) he vows
to guide her to Atlis City and protect her. Then he finds that his new
travelling companion is no mere little girl and gets caught in the whole
mess with the statue and the evil people and...oi. People, meet Gourry,
Gourry, meet People.
the warrior with the chip on his shoulder. Almost as good as Lina in sorcery,
this guy 1/3 Gollum and part Chamera. Also excellent with a sword, his
main goal in life was to be powerful. When Rezo the red priest granted
him power, he was transformed into what he is now. Now all he wants is
revenge against Rezo, and this is why he ends up travellin' with Lina.
Everyone, this is Zelgadis.
the Red Priest. One of the Wise Men of the Age, he used to travel through
out the land healing people of their illnesses and other afflictions. Unfortunately
for him, he was born blind and for some reason was never able to heal hisself.
No he seeks to release the Dark Lord so he'll grant him his eyesight. He's
just evil now.
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